Flax spinning and linen weaving book specials
"June Special" (now through June 30th) of $45.00 (+ $5.00 s/h) on Reflections from A Flaxen Past, for Love of Lithuanian Weaving. It is hard cover, full color, (usual price is $48.00 + $5.00 s/h). If you are interested, e-mail me for a "PayPal Invoice" at the special price.
Additional special Warp with a Trapeze and Dance with Your Loom ($19.95) can be included in the same envelope, saving the $4.00 s/h on the smaller book, total savings then becomes $7.00.
A Flaxen Past includes directions for growing, processing and spinning flax, historical photos from pre WWII of flax harvesting and processing, spinning and weaving, sieve looms, and beating the laundry at the stream side. There are tiny Jacquard looms, tapestry weaving and making leather toggles. There are many charted Lithuanian folk designs for weaving, knitting and needlework. There are numerous examples of band looms and band weaving from Lithuanians and Lithuanian/Americans. There are also directions for making a simple band loom and some drafts of the traditional patterns in various widths. There is even one photo of a poor little black lamb being shorn with hand shears.
The photo above shows a corner of a linen altar cloth I wove for Saint Mary's, Alpena, using a Lithuanian technique described in the book. The band finishing the edge is woven with 4-hole tablets. Treadle with Joy, Kati